



Tokyo 2020 Candidature File Submitted




 その後、竹田理事長が「東京は『Discover Tomorrow』というスローガンを掲げた。スポーツを愛する日本国民の情熱に支えられた躍動感溢れる祭典を開催し、世界中の人々を魅了する機会としたい。2020年の大会は、先進的で安全な大都市である東京の中心で、オリンピック・パラリンピックの力を融合し、卓越した祝祭とすることを世界に発信していきたい。」と招致ビジョンを表明しました。国の招致への取組について、下村文部科学大臣は「全面的にサポートする。」と述べました。


On January 7, at 10 a.m. local time (6 p.m. in Japan), Tokyo 2020 submitted its Candidature File to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

With regard to the contents of the Candidature File, Governor Inose said, “Tokyo is a global trendsetter with its tradition and culture, sophisticated technology and dynamic youth culture, and it boasts safety that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. It is also one of the most powerful cities in the world. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has a solid fiscal foundation and will use its Olympic fund of over 400 billion yen to cover the construction costs of the competition venues. I hope to let the world know about Tokyo’s excellent aspects, including our public transit system, which operates on precise timetables, and our many high quality accommodations. Hosting the Olympics in 2020 will support Japan’s recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, and will provide us with an opportunity to return the warm encouragement and support we received from all around the world. Olympic torch bearers will run through the areas that were stricken by the disaster, and football matches will be held at the Miyagi stadium. We will be able to contribute to the recovery of this region if we win the bid to host the Games.”

Tokyo 2020 president Tsunekazu Takeda explained the bid vision, saying, “Tokyo has raised the slogan of ‘Discover Tomorrow.’ We will host a dynamic festival, supported by the passion of Japanese sports fans and sure to captivate spectators worldwide. We want to let the world know that Tokyo 2020 will integrate the power of the Olympics and Paralympics, and will be an outstanding celebration in the center of the advanced and safe metropolis that is Tokyo.”

Regarding central government involvement in the bid activities, Sports Minister Hakubun Shimomura stated that “all-out support will be given.”