



招致委員会 公式記者会見
Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee Official Press Conference

 知事は、4日間を振り返り「国民、都民が、年を重ねた人も若い人もみな、五輪に期待を抱いて未来をつかもうとする姿、まさに招致理念『Discover Tomorrow』をお見せできたと確信している」と話し、2020年のオリンピック・パラリンピック招致に向け、引き続き全力で取り組む決意を明らかにしました。

On Thursday, March 7, following the close of the final day of presentations, Governor Inose participated in an official press conference held by the Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee to recap the four-day inspection visit to Tokyo by the IOC Evaluation Commission.

Looking back over the past four days spent with the commission, the governor commented, "I am confident that we were able to convey the spirit of the people of Japan and of Tokyo - both the old and the young - who hold high expectations of bringing the 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games to Tokyo as they reach for a bright future. This is precisely our bid concept - Discover Tomorrow," expressing his firm determination to continue to work toward winning the bid to host the Games.