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Updated on August 31, 2015

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Bureau of General Affairs

Publication of “Tokyo Bousai”

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has compiled a manual called “Tokyo Bousai*” (English title “Disaster Preparedness Tokyo”) to help households get fully prepared for an earthquake directly hitting Tokyo and other various disasters.

1. About the Manual

Tokyo Bousai is tailored to the various local features of Tokyo, its urban structure, and the lifestyles of its residents, and contains easy-to-understand information on how to prepare for and respond to a disaster.This information will be useful now and in the event of an emergency.

The Japanese language version of “Tokyo Bousai” comes with the “original disaster preparedness map” where households can confirm evacuation routes and fill in their family information, and a plastic cover to protect the manual from water and grime. These will be packed in a compact yellow box and delivered to all households in Tokyo. The English, Chinese (traditional, simplified), and Korean versions will be posted on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government official website.

2. Contents

  • (1) Simulation of a large earthquake (from earthquake occurrence to evacuation and recovery)
  • (2) Do now: Disaster preparedness actions (preparations that can be taken immediately)
  • (3) Other disasters and countermeasures (explanation of disasters other than earthquakes that can strike Tokyo and countermeasures)
  • (4) “What if” manual (illustrated explanation of useful knowledge and measures for disaster situations)
  • (5) Important disaster knowledge (summary of knowledge concerning disasters)
  • (6) Manga comic: TOKYO “X” DAY (an original comic by Kaiji Kawaguchi)

3. Distribution

The Japanese language version of Tokyo Bousai will be distributed to all households in Tokyo from Tuesday, September 1, 2015.

4. Call center (in Japanese and English)

The following call center has been established for inquiries concerning “Tokyo Bousai.”

(1)Phone number


(2) Inquiry period

August 24 to December 25, 2015


10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

5. “Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Seminars” (in Japanese)

Tokyo Disaster Preparedness Seminars utilizing “Tokyo Bousai” will be held from Sunday to Wednesday every week from September 6 to October 14 at all Tokyo Fire Department stations.


Management Section, Disaster Prevention Division, Bureau of General Affairs