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01 March 2021
Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games
Tokyo 2020 Preparation
Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Infection Prevention Manual for Tokyo 2020 City Cast (City Volunteers)

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) created an Infection Prevention Manual for Tokyo 2020 City Cast to ensure a safe and secure environment in training and volunteer activities based on the Interim Summary of Coordination Meetings for COVID-19 Countermeasures and advice from specialists※, and approaches by the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee continue to be updated as preparations continue. Below is the most recent updated overview of the manual.
※This manual was created with advice from KUTSUNA Satoshi, M.D., Ph.D., National Center for Global Health and Medicine.


1. Content of the Manual

See the attachment(PDF:274KB) (Overview of the Infection Prevention Manual for the Tokyo 2020 City Cast).

2. Future Plans

  • This manual will be updated if necessary taking account of COVID-19 countermeasures for the Tokyo 2020 Field Cast (Games Volunteers).
  • TMG will thoroughly explain the content of this manual to City Cast via e-mail and Q&A, and then confirm if individual City Cast still wishing to participate in volunteer activities for the rescheduled Tokyo 2020 Games in and after March (The schedule is under discussion).
  • TMG provides detailed information regarding volunteer activities through trainings, and so forth.

Reference: Future Schedule


  • From March
    Confirmation of the intension to participate, preference for roles, activity locations, etc.
    ※The schedule is under discussion.
  • May - June
    Notification of roles and activity locations
  • From May
    Leadership Training
  • From June
    Training by roles and assigned locations/ Provision of uniforms

※Please click here for the original Japanese article.

INQUIRIES (Assistance in Japanese only)
Operations Section, Planning and Promotion Division
Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation
Phone: 03-5320-7992