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8. Action is the path to hope

Similarly, with regard to “Time to Act,” a movement to speed up climate action in the world from Tokyo, I will be hosting an online kick-off meeting tonight. Regarding making buildings zero emission and utilizing zero-carbon hydrogen produced from renewable energy for realization of a decarbonized society, Tokyo will share the experience and know-how it has accumulated to contribute to advancing measures around the world. Speakers include the Mayor of Los Angeles, the C40 chair, the Mayor of Paris, and experts tackling climate change, who will each speak about their own climate crisis actions. We will call upon the world from Tokyo to take action now on climate change.

Mr. Shibusawa Eiichi is a pioneer we should learn from. He was a man who respected diversity and devoted himself to around 600 social contribution activities and could be said to have embodied the Sustainable Development Goals’ “Leave no one behind” even from so many years ago. Representing this could be his half century of work as director of a facility for the destitute and orphans. He also devoted efforts to women’s education and was deeply involved in establishing one of the first institutes of higher education for women, Japan Women’s University. He served as that university’s third president. This is an example of how energetic he was throughout his life. Etching in our minds the image of Shibusawa, who was always active and ahead of his times, I will take resolute action to overcome the COVID-19 and climate crises in order to realize a truly sustainable Tokyo founded on outstanding diversity. Action is the path to hope. I ask for the understanding and cooperation of the members of the Assembly and the people of Tokyo.

Including the matters which I have already referred, a total of 100 bills have been presented to this regular session of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly including 32 budget bills and 48 ordinance bills, to be deliberated among Assembly members.

This concludes my speech to the Assembly. Thank you.